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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Education. Afficher tous les articles

vendredi 10 mars 2023


The Illuminati's religious belief is based upon the universal conundrum of faith and doubt. We do not question whether a God does or does not exist, but rather focus on the betterment, advancement, and preservation of the human species living on this planet. 
The Illuminati is not a church or a religion. The Illuminati has no affiliation with a religion or a church.
Faith is the belief in something that cannot be proven. But denouncing faith is true folly. Faith is not limited on religious believers. While even the most devout pontiff cannot provide irrefutable evidence of his God's existence, neither can the scientist who claims that no deity resides in the universe. Both rely upon their own faith to explain things they will never understand. 

samedi 4 mars 2023

Wealth of the Illuminati

 Where true effort is mare, true wealth is given.

A person who is unwise with a little will do worse with a lot. Those who are entrusted with little and use it for good can be entrusted with more. The Illuminati Organization assists every willing member with tools required for success and offers assistance to those who display their dedication to the betterment of humanity. 

Keep following the Light. 


  Il s'agit ici de plantes autogames. On parle d'autogamie quand les organes mâles d'une fleur fécondent les organes femelles de...